Asset Publisher

An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> viewURL  [in template "31911#31945#86506" at line 42, column 44]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${viewURL}  [in template "31911#31945#86506" at line 42, column 42]
1<#assign ORG_ID = layout.getGroup().getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("countryCode")/> 
2<#if entries?has_content> 
3    <#assign lsbCityLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("") 
4    lsbParkingLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("") 
5    dLAppService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLAppService") 
6    dlUtil = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.util.DLUtil") 
7    assetsDisplayedList =[] 
8    know_city_name = "conoce-ciudad" 
9    /> 
10	<#list entries as curEntry> 
11    	<#assign 
12    		entry = curEntry 
14    		assetRenderer = entry.getAssetRenderer() 
15    	/> 
16    	<#if assetRenderer.isDisplayable()> 
17	    	<#assign 
18        		assetsDisplayedList = assetsDisplayedList + [assetRenderer] 
19        	/>  	 
20        </#if> 
21	</#list> 
22	<#if assetsDisplayedList?has_content> 
24        <section class="mx54-t"> 
25        	<article> 
26                <div class="module-4"> 
27                	<div class="container-fluid"> 
28                	    <#list assetsDisplayedList as curAsset> 
29                	        <#attempt> 
30            	                <#assign curCity = lsbCityLocalService.getLSBCity(curAsset.classPK) 
31                	                viewURL = curAsset.getURLViewInContext(renderRequest, renderResponse, "/") 
32                	                numParkings = lsbParkingLocalService.findByCodCityAssociatedCount(curCity.getCodCity()) 
33                	                curCityFolder = dLAppService.getFolder(curCity.getDlFolderId()) 
34                	                curCityFolderKnown = dLAppService.getFolder(curCityFolder.getGroupId(), curCityFolder.getFolderId(), know_city_name) 
35                	                curCityImages = dLAppService.getFileEntries(curCityFolderKnown.getGroupId(), curCityFolderKnown.getFolderId()) 
36                	                curCityImage = curCityImages?last 
37                	                curCityImageUrl = dlUtil.getImagePreviewURL(curCityImage, themeDisplay) 
38            	                /> 
39        	                <#recover> 
40							</#attempt> 
41                            <div class="${curAsset?item_cycle('col-sm-6', 'col-sm-6', 'col-sm-4', 'col-sm-4', 'col-sm-4')}"> 
42                                <a href="${viewURL}" title="${curAsset.getTitle(themeDisplay.getLocale())}"> 
43                                	<div class="inner"> 
44                                		<div class="content"> 
45                                			<p class="h4">${curAsset.getTitle(themeDisplay.getLocale())}</p> 
46                                	        <#if numParkings != 0> 
47                                		    	<p class="info"> 
48                                		    	    <span> 
49                                		    	     <#if ORG_ID != "703"> 
50                                		    	    	${numParkings} <@liferay.language key="templates-cities-parkings"/> 
51                                		    	     </#if> 
52                                		    	     <#if ORG_ID == "703">                                		    	     
53	                                		    	    <#if numParkings ==1> 
54	                                		    	    	${numParkings} <@liferay.language key="templates-cities-parkings-1"/> 
55	                                		    	    </#if> 
56	                                		    	    <#if (numParkings > 1 && numParkings < 10) > 
57	                                		    	    	${numParkings} <@liferay.language key="templates-cities-parkings"/> 
58	                                		    	    </#if> 
59	                                		    	    <#if (numParkings > 9) > 
60	                                		    	    	${numParkings} <@liferay.language key="templates-cities-parkings-10"/> 
61	                                		    	    </#if> 
62                                		    	      </#if> 
63                                		    	    </span> 
64                                		    	</p> 
65                                             </#if> 
66                                			<button class="btn btn-secondary btn-secondary-b btn-lg" type="button"><@liferay.language key="templates-cities-see-all-parkings"/></button>			 
67                                		</div> 
68                                	</div> 
69                                	<#if curCityImageUrl?? > 
70                                	<div class="image-wrapper" style="background-image: url(${curCityImageUrl})"></div> 
71                                	</#if> 
72                                </a> 
73                        	</div> 
74                        </#list> 
75                	</div> 
76                </div> 
77        	</article>		 
78        </section> 
79	</#if> 